Relationship Lenormand reading

Relationships are colorful and beautiful. They paint the canvas of our life, they are fiery, passionate but sometimes prone to confrontation. If your partner is struggling to form a health bond with you, the Lenormand cards will be your divine guide through this difficult time. Each card will bring forth an aspect of of the relationship that you should be aware of and work on. Find out how you can strengthen your relationship and bond in just a few steps! Click to begin!

Card 1. «Guidance for this relationship from your inner self»

Card 2. «How does your partner see you»

Card 3. «What do you want or need from this relationship»

Card 4. «Temptations you may face and need to resist»

Card 5. «Things to help you make this relationship last»

Card 6. «Common goals and aspirations you share with your partner»

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